Package-level declarations

TextLink A TextLink is a reference to a resource.

It can be external (e.g. a different web page) or internal (e.g. a specific element in the current page).



fun TextLink(
text: Int,
onClickLabel: String,
onClick: () -> Unit,


fun TextLinkButton(
text: String,
onClick: () -> Unit,
intent: ButtonIntent,
enabled: Boolean = true,
isLoading: Boolean = false,

Popover is kinda similar to Plain tooltip from Compose UI Provides a descriptive message or Info for an Anchor. Popover that is invoked when the anchor is pressed/long pressed:

The minimal usage of the component is the content and the anchor.

popover = {
text = "Do you want to have this cookie now?",
isDismissButtonEnabled = true,
popoverState = popoverState,
) {
text = "Display Popover",
onClick = { scope.launch { } },

The popover can also have intents as it's background color, you can fin the list here.


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TagIntent is used to define the intent of the tag.


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fun TooltipScope.PlainTooltip(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, caretSize: DpSize = DpSize.Unspecified, shape: Shape = TooltipDefaults.plainTooltipContainerShape, contentColor: Color = TooltipDefaults.plainTooltipContentColor, containerColor: Color = TooltipDefaults.plainTooltipContainerColor, tonalElevation: Dp = 0.dp, shadowElevation: Dp = 0.dp, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Plain tooltip that provides a descriptive message.

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fun Popover(popover: @Composable () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, intent: PopoverIntent = PopoverIntent.Surface, isDismissButtonEnabled: Boolean = false, popoverState: TooltipState = rememberTooltipState(isPersistent = true), focusable: Boolean = true, enableUserInput: Boolean = true, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Popover is kinda similar to Plain tooltip from Compose UI Provides a descriptive message or Info for an Anchor. Popover that is invoked when the anchor is pressed/long pressed:

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fun TooltipBox(positionProvider: PopupPositionProvider, tooltip: @Composable TooltipScope.() -> Unit, state: TooltipState, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, focusable: Boolean = true, enableUserInput: Boolean = true, content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Spark TooltipBox that wraps a composable with a tooltip.