Package-level declarations
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annotation class ExperimentalSparkApi
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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION, AnnotationTarget.TYPEALIAS, AnnotationTarget.PROPERTY] )
Marks declarations that are internal in Spark API, which means that should not be used outside of com.adevinta.spark
, because their signatures and semantics will change between future releases without any warnings and without providing any migration guide.
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data class SparkFeatureFlag(val useSparkTokensHighlighter: Boolean = false, val useSparkComponentsHighlighter: Boolean = false, val useLegacyStyle: Boolean = false)
Flags that will activate debugging features from Spark or features hidden to consumers.
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object SparkTheme
Contains functions to access the current theme values provided at the call site's position in the hierarchy.
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fun PreviewWrapper(padding: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(16.dp), contentPadding: Dp = 16.dp, color: @Composable () -> Color = { SparkTheme.colors.background }, content: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit)
A wrapper composable that provides a consistent preview environment for other composables using Spark.
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fun SparkTheme(colors: SparkColors = SparkTheme.colors, shapes: SparkShapes = SparkTheme.shapes, typography: SparkTypography = SparkTheme.typography, sparkFeatureFlag: SparkFeatureFlag = SparkFeatureFlag(), fontFamily: SparkFontFamily = sparkFontFamily(
useSparkTokensHighlighter = sparkFeatureFlag.useSparkTokensHighlighter,
), content: @Composable () -> Unit)
Spark Theming refers to the customization of your Spark Design app to better reflect your product’s brand.