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Supported Assets

By default, Vulcan is able to manage and scan the following asset types.

Asset Type Example Identifier Example Checks
IP Exposed and vulnerable services.
IPRange Exposed and vulnerable services.
Hostname Exposed and vulnerable services.
DomainName Phishing prevention and takeover.
WebAddress Web application scanning and leaks.
AWSAccount arn:aws:iam::111111111111:root Security misconfiguration.
DockerImage Vulnerable libraries and packages.
GitRepository Vulnerable libraries and secrets.

Note that the difference between a Hostname and a DomainName is that the first is a DNS name that resolves to a specific IP address (via A or AAAA records) and the second is a registered DNS name (with a SOA record) that does not need to resolve to any specific address but may contain other DNS records such as TXT, MX or CNAME.

Asset Creation

Since the Vulcan API (and the UI) allows assets to be provided without a type, it will attempt to guess its type based on the format, even going as far as to extract and create multiple assets from a single identifier. For example, Vulcan would create three assets from the identifier: a WebAddress (, a Hostname ( and a DomainName ( Vulcan also provide endpoints to supply an asset with its associated type so that just that specific assets is added to Vulcan.