Package-level declarations
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object ModalDefault
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fun AlertDialog(onDismissRequest: () -> Unit, confirmButton: @Composable () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, dismissButton: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, icon: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, title: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, text: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, shape: Shape = AlertDialogDefaults.shape, containerColor: Color = AlertDialogDefaults.containerColor, iconContentColor: Color = AlertDialogDefaults.iconContentColor, titleContentColor: Color = AlertDialogDefaults.titleContentColor, textContentColor: Color = AlertDialogDefaults.textContentColor, tonalElevation: Dp = AlertDialogDefaults.TonalElevation, properties: DialogProperties = DialogProperties())
Spark AlertDialog.
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fun ModalScaffold(onClose: () -> Unit, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, contentPadding: PaddingValues = DialogPadding, snackbarHost: @Composable () -> Unit = {}, mainButton: @Composable (Modifier) -> Unit? = {}, supportButton: @Composable (Modifier) -> Unit? = {}, title: @Composable () -> Unit = {}, actions: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = {}, inEdgeToEdge: Boolean = true, content: @Composable (PaddingValues) -> Unit)
A composable function that creates a full-screen modal scaffold, adapting its layout based on the device's screen size and orientation.