A composable function that creates a full-screen modal scaffold, adapting its layout based on the device's screen size and orientation.
The scaffold provides different layouts for phone portrait, phone landscape, and other devices (e.g., tablets or foldables) where it'll show a modal instead.
IF you don't want the Bottom App Bar to appear then provide null to both mainButton&supportButton
callback that will be invoked when the modal is dismissed
Component to host Snackbars that are pushed to be shown
applied to the root Scaffold
the main actions for this modal (should be a ButtonFilled most of the time)
the support or alternative actions for this modal (should any other button than ButtonFilled) portrait mode
the title of the modal
the actions displayed at the end of the top app bar. This should typically be
IconButtons. The default layout here is a Row, so icons inside will be placed horizontally.
tel the component that the activity where it's being displayed on is a edege to edge screen. This has to be explicitly specified as no api wan reliably tel us
the center custom Composable for modal content