Package-level declarations
Contains predefined Dp values for elevation levels.
Used to order tokens in the catalog, preview and tests.
A color scheme holds all the named color parameters for a SparkTheme highly inspired by Material 3 ColorScheme.
Utility class to handle the change of font family for the SparkTheme.
Components are grouped into shape categories based on their size. These categories provide a way to change multiple component values at once, by changing the category’s values. SparkShapes categories include:
Extension property to get a Color that apply an alpha of zero to the color. This is useful when you want to animate fro ma transparent color to a colored one since using Color.Transparent will start with a black background.
Returns the new background Color to use, representing the original background color with an overlay corresponding to elevation applied. The overlay will only be applied to ColorScheme.surface.
Converts a SparkColors instance to a Material 3 ColorScheme.
Converts a Material ColorScheme to a SparkColors instance.
The Material color system contains pairs of colors that are typically used for the background and content color inside a component. For example, a ButtonFilled typically uses main
for its background, and onMain
for the color of its content (usually text or iconography).
The Material color system contains pairs of colors that are typically used for the background and content color inside a component. For example, a ButtonFilled typically uses main
for its background, and onMain
for the color of its content (usually text or iconography).
A SparkColors implementation which sets all colors to debugColor to help highlighting the usage of SparkTheme.colors to more easily detect where they're not used.
Medium emphasis for text.
Medium emphasis for icons.
Medium emphasis.
To represent low elements.
Used for press and ripples
This function is used to set the current value of LocalContentColor to onSurface with a disabled alpha. Any Text, Icons, other components included in this component's content will be styled with this a content color alpha that apply a disabled emphasis which is close to Gray or Light Gray.
This function is used to set the current value of LocalContentColor to onSurface. Any Text, Icons, other components included.
This function is used to set the current value of LocalContentColor to onSurfaceVariant. Any Text, Icons, other components included in this component's content will be styled with this a content color alpha that apply a medium emphasis which is close to Dark Gray.
Creates a Ripple using the provided values and values inferred from the theme.
Creates a SparkFontFamily with the given fontFamily and useSparkTokensHighlighter.
Computes the surface tonal color at different elevation levels e.g. surface1 through surface5.