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Managing defaults

Commands can become quite long when you start using more and more features of zoe. Take a look at the following command as an example:

zoe -o table -e pro -c my-cluster topics consume --dialect jq --filter '.id == "2"'

The above command:

  • Sets the output format for zoe results to table with -o table instead of the default value json.
  • Uses the pro environment config file using the -e pro instead of the default environment default.
  • Uses the my-cluster cluster using -c my-cluster instead of the default cluster default.
  • Sets jq as the dialect for writing json queries with --dialect jq instead of the default dialect jmespath.

If you find yourself repeating the same option values over and over again, it might be worth setting them as the default option values for zoe.

Changing the default values for zoe

To override zoe defaults, use the following command:

zoe config defaults edit

The above command opens your default text editor (ex. nano or vim) and allows you to update the defaults. You can choose a different editor by using the EDITOR environment variable:

# Use VSCode to edit the values
EDITOR="code -w" zoe config defaults edit

For example, by setting the defaults to the following values:

cluster: pro
environment: my-cluster
outputFormat: table
    jsonQueryDialect: jq

You could rewrite the above command mentioned in the introduction section as the following:

zoe topics consume --filter '.id == "2"'

Editing defaults manually

Default values are stored and kept in a local file named $HOME/.zoe/defaults.yml. You can edit this file manually, but you lose the type checking and validation provided by the equivalent zoe config defaults edit command. Thus, it's always encouraged to modify the defaults via this command.

List of overridable defaults

Here is the list of currently overridable defaults:

# Default for: `zoe -c <value>`
cluster: default

# Default for: `zoe -e <value>`
environment: default

# Default for: `zoe -o <value>`
outputFormat: raw

# Default for: `zoe --silent / --no-silent`
silent: false

    # Default for: `zoe topics consume --dialect <value>`
    jsonQueryDialect: jmespath