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Prepare the environment

In this step, we will spin up a single node kafka cluster with docker and docker compose. This cluster will be initialized with some topics created by an initializer script.

We will then create the required zoe configuration to point to this cluster so we can start interacting with it.


For this tutorial you will need :

  • Zoe (follow the install instructions here)
  • Docker and docker-compose

Spin up the Kafka cluster

Clone the zoe repository and use the provided compose file to spin up the kafka cluster :

# clone the repo
git clone

# go to the guides folder
cd zoe/docs/guides/simple

# spin up the stack
docker-compose up -d

Now you should have :

  • A zookeeper node
  • A kafka node
  • 2 topics created : input-topic and another-topic

Now let's go to the next step and configure zoe to point to this cluster.

Configuring zoe

Zoe uses a central configuration file to store all the information related to the kafka clusters we may interact with. This file keeps all the cluster properties (bootstrap.servers, etc.) and topics configuration so we don't have to repeat them again and again each time we want to interact with the cluster.

We can easily initialize a default configuration file using :

zoe -v config init
2020-03-07 01:43:16 INFO zoe: creating a new config file...

This creates a default configuration file at ~/.zoe/config/default.yml that can be used as a starting point. The file looks like the following (some optional fields have been omitted for readability):


      bootstrap.servers: "localhost:29092"
      key.deserializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
      value.deserializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
      key.serializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
      value.serializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer"

  default: "local"

This config file defines the following elements :

  • A clusters section where all the kafka clusters configuration are defined. Each cluster configuration is keyed by an alias. In the configuration above, a single kafka cluster configuration aliased by local is defined in the above config. This alias is what we will use to refer to this cluster when using zoe --cluster local. Each cluster configuration defines:
    • A props section that represent the set of properties to be injected to the kafka clients when interacting with the cluster.
    • A topics section that contain a list of topic configuration keyed by an alias. In the configuration above, one topic configuration is defined with the alias input. A topic configuration contains the real name of the topic (in this case input-topic) and optionally a subject name if the topic is an avro topic. This alias is what we will use to refer to the topic when targeting it for writing or reading in zoe. This relieves us from the difficulty of dealing with and remembering long topic names.
  • Lastly, there is a runners section that defines the local runner as the default. We will talk more about runners in the advanced section of this documentation but keep in mind that zoe offloads the consumption and the interaction with kafka clusters to "runners" that can either be local or remote (lambda functions or kubernetes pods).

The default generated configuration is already enough to interact with our locally spinned up kafka cluster. We should be able to start interacting with it without any change.

Let's use zoe to list the available topics :

zoe --cluster local topics list
["input-topic", "another-topic"]

We can see that there is 2 topics within our cluster. To avoid having to remember their names, let's add them in the configuration and give them a friendly alias:


      bootstrap.servers: "localhost:29092"
      key.deserializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
      value.deserializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"
      key.serializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"
      value.serializer: "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer"
        name: "input-topic"
        name: "another-topic"

  default: "local"

Now that our configuration is ready, let's use zoe to produce some test data into the cluster.